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I've discussed on the forum http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtop...=4&t=16722 and I'd like how we should organize ourselves. How should I submit my coding? with github?)

Is there an IRC canal?


Hi keul,

yes, if you want to participate with code, you should clone the git repository and then issue a pull request for your changes.

Issues are being tracked on GitHub. Tutorials and documentation can be posted on the wiki. We can use this forum to discuss things. And if you want, you could chat with me on Skype, ICQ or MSN. Just give me your nick/number/email in a PM.

There is no IRC channel. If you want one, you can go ahead and open it. I don't think many people will use it, though. If you do open one, make sure to post it here, thanks! Smile

Is there anything specific you want to work on?


There's now an IRC channel available: https://iiyo.org/f/discussion/58/iiyo-irc-channel