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I would like to display on the set any HTML object. I mean, let's says i want to display an HTML design, show it and hide it with the basic WSE commandd. How could we do that ? What is your recommandation. ?

I need that to display any design that will be cooler in HTML/CSS but with the same WSE options than an image asset or a textbox asset.


Without writing an extension for that, you could use a different textbox and create a character without name. Just style the textbox to be invisible in your CSS and put the contents in using:

<line s="n" stop="false"><!-- your HTML --></line>

If you want to write an extension have a look at the Textbox asset code, especially the nameTemplate property. You could write an asset were you define the HTML content in the asset section and use all the usual effects for displayable assets on it in the scenes.


Thank you C7N


So i could with this method display this http://tympanus.net/Development/3DBookSh...ndex2.html or something like this that also use a .js file to work ?


You can use iframe and script elements in lines, so yes, you can include things like the 3D book showcase.


Ok but if the user clic on screen, it goes to the following line, isn't it ?


The contents of the textbox will be replaced when you put in something new. If you have two textboxes and you put something into one of them once and after that use only characters that speak on the other textbox, the contents should remain.


Hi C7N.
I've tried your method with a test.

The html is loaded in iframes, but i have two issues :
1. the links within the html are not clickable (buttons) anymore.
2. i can't get the intial ratio in term of size of the content.

The html page is responsive, i want to get this display for large screen and large player : http://codyhouse.co/demo/3d-animated-moc...dex.html#0

Do you have any idea how to achieve this ?


Hi Alyks!

Where's the test then? I don't see any WSE in the link you provided.

From what you wrote you might need to scale the iframe yourself, but that's just wild guessing without seeing what exactly you mean.


Sorry ^__^; Here it is : http://tori-tori.co/Game/
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