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Are there any limits to what html codes can be used in the dialogue? I couldn't get i (or em) for italics to work but b and links seem to work fine.


No, there are no limits as to what elements can be used. Did you check the HTML? Are the tags there? Maybe the i or em just don't appear to be italic because of some CSS rule that comes with the engine?


Thanks! Adding
i, em {font-style:italic;}
to default.css made it work.


Can we load CSS styling into the dialogue box ? If yes how to ?


What do you mean with load into? You can specify a class or ID on a container element and then style the elements using that class in your CSS file.

For example:

<line s="n>
        <!-- your elements here -->

.myContainer .someClass {
    /* ... */


I mean, i want to change the style of the font and its display on a textbox, to do that by example in a text box : http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/ModernBloc...ndex2.html


Change the font-family and other options in body within default.css - just remember that the user probably won't have certain fonts, so the fonts may not display as expected unless you provide them on the webserver.


Ok Trixar_za !