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Is it possible to use several texboxes (I would like to use a different one for each speaker), without having to use "show asset" and "hide asset" whenever they change?


I'm afraid that's not currently possible, at least not without doing a lot of work and writing an extension.

I'll consider it for upcoming versions.

By the way: I just found out that savegames don't work for me in your game. I haven't found out what's wrong there, yet. The problem is as follows: When loading a savegame, the contents on the screen get loaded correctly, but then when you click next the dialog starts at the beginning somewhere... sorry about that. I'll look into it more tomorrow.


I hopefully fixed the bug and made a new version 0.3.1-rc (release candidate). Please grab it here:

Please replace the old WebStoryEngine.js file on your server with this one. Then I can test if the bug still persists in your game.


I found a way to test it anyways. Just had to empty the page, insert a script tag with the new version and start the game again. One of the reasons why JavaScript is awesome. Wink

The loading now works for me (and luckily, with savegames made with the old version, too).
Plese try it as well.


Sorry for the late reply. Yes it works now. Thanks!
Also if anyone wants the source files - http://nightatthehospital.vnovel.com/nathweb.zip