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In this topic, you can chat with other forum users. If you just want to ask a quick question or want to share an anecdote that doesn't warrant its own topic, this is the place to post it.


Germinator Wrote:Just some random question for you C7N. Have you already made a visual novel ? Do you plan of doing one ?

I haven't made a visual novel. I always wanted to do one and I probably will sometime. Although I'm not sure if it will really be a visual novel, to be honest. Maybe only text-based. If I ever come around making a visual novel, it will probably be something rather weird and not your typical bishoujo game.

How about you? Did you release any visual novel, yet? Maybe even using WSE?


I haven't made one either for that matter. I've been collecting assets as I go though and I have the basic outline for a game done. All I really need to do is combine them all and write up the dialog. I did write a small demo that I'm using in pywse which is hosted at http://trixarian.net/demo. Still working on a Vala version. So far I got it to work, but when you close the window, it does not exit the program or kill the gio webserver. The music also doesn't loop...


Yes I'm planning to make my own visual novel with your engine but there is one problem...

I like video games too much so I don't have so much time left to work on it ! Ahah Smile

Moreover, I'm more an artist than a writer, so the first steps are a bit difficult...

Anyway, I have one random idea for the engine : What about implementing a texting engine. I mean an engine to emulate a chat between the player and the characters (like phone mails, or emails...). As an instance, this system is featured in the game Catherine on Xbox.



Good to know you're still at it!


Would the player select his answers or write them herself?

On another note: Someone other than me is now actively working on WSE, implementing a lot of nice stuff that makes it easier to integrate the engine into other web applications so that you can have the server manipulate the story while the player's playing it and he also wants to make it easier to integrate mini-games into WebStories. Maybe we will even have arbitrary menus like maps to click on instead of the typical choice menus.
I'm currently working on the animation and effects library behind the engine and once that is done will probably make the switch to canvas assets instead of HTML DOM assets, which will enable us to have much more nifty effects than what it possible now (like filters or fade-out effects where stuff disintegrates and such). You can have a look at the current state of the library here: https://github.com/jsteinbeck/MO5.js And here is some example of rotating stuff and reacting to mouse events and pausing animations: https://iiyo.org/MO5.js/examples/rectangles/


I checked out the commits. So he's turning the xml objects into pure js objects by the look of it. Pretty impressive. Any plans to implement HTML5's < audio> for audio files too? Could be more supportable than the ranged GET we seem to be using now.

I found a few Vala resources recently like the web server code and a premade package to allow you to compile vala programs in Windows, so I'm starting to think this may be a good move.


What do you mean by "HTML5's for audio files", @Trixar_za? I don't know what you are talking about.


Sorry about that, I meant to add the < audio> tag in the above post but seems they get read as actual tags by Vanilla. I know you mentioned the < video> tag a while back, so I was wondering if the < audio> tag was planned too.


HTML5 audio is already used. How the audio is served depends on the server configuration and browser behaviour.


I might include a third-party audio library in the engine some time, though, to mitigate browser differences and have a nicer API.
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